November 14, 2023 0 The Man Who Bought (And Returned?) Stonehenge For many of us, buying gifts for your spouse or partner can create a ton of anxiety. While the rule is [...]
November 13, 2023 0 The Hole in a Swiss Citizenship Application Immigration can be a dicey subject, but let’s all agree on the following: if you come to a new country [...]
November 10, 2023 0 The Weekender, November 10, 2023 Hi! Today is Veteran’s Day here in the United States (and Armistice Day or Remembrance Day in many [...]
November 9, 2023 0 The Cat With Two Lives In November or December of 1893, an American composer named Harry S. Miller wrote the song he’d later [...]
November 7, 2023 0 The Man Who Sued Himself (and the IRS) and Won Let’s say you own a business. Putting aside flow-through entities (explained here, but don’t [...]
November 6, 2023 0 The Girl With Two Twin Sisters In or around 2001, a 28-year-old named Begoña (her last name has gone unreported) walked into a store [...]
November 3, 2023 0 More on Spaceship Design (and a Book Recommendation) Hi! Last Friday, I used this “Weekender” space to ask a question about spaceship design. I got a [...]
November 2, 2023 0 New Jersey’s Fake Sister The United Kingdom and the former Soviet Union were two very different nations. They were separated by [...]
November 1, 2023 0 The Problem With 500 Pounds of Pennies When you think of people stealing from other people, you probably picture crimes like shoplifting, burglary, [...]
October 30, 2023 0 The United States/North Korea Alliance of 2007 For most of the first half of the 20th century, the Korean peninsula was under Japanese control. When World [...]