October 24, 2011 0 Saving Lives, Many Bullets at a Time The American Civil War was the nation’s bloodiest and deadliest in its history. In total, there were [...]
October 21, 2011 0 The Mystery of the Sailing Stones Racetrack Playa (Google Maps view here) is a 2.8 mile long, 1.5 mile wide dry lake in California’s [...]
October 20, 2011 0 The Greatest Thing Since 1928 The Internet. The automobile. Toilet paper. All of these things have been heralded to be the greatest [...]
October 19, 2011 0 When The Nazis Invaded America With rare exception, American involvement in World War II was focused in Europe and the Pacific. Few acts of [...]
October 18, 2011 0 Mr. Pee Hands Moises Alou was born to be a baseball player. His father, Felipe Alou, played Major League Baseball from 1958 [...]
October 17, 2011 0 Flying Signs Pictured above is an airplane towing a message. It’s a curious but probably effective form of [...]
October 14, 2011 0 World Record Record Holder In 1979, Ashrita Furman, then age 24, decided to make an attempt at a life-long dream: break a world record. [...]
October 13, 2011 0 The Principality of Hutt River In 1970, an Australian wheat farmer by the name of Leonard George Casley owned a farm with nearly 10,000 [...]
October 12, 2011 0 Underwater Repair Men When the pipes under your sink spring a leak, you call a plumber. But what does New York City do when the [...]
October 11, 2011 0 Year 100 Almost the entire world — even those societies which have separate calendering systems — use the [...]