January 14, 2011 0 Making It Rain Al Ain, the fourth largest city in the United Arab Emirates (and the second largest in the Abu Dhabi emirate) [...]
January 13, 2011 0 Ephemeral Island Imagine cruising around the South Pacific and encountering a beach in the middle of nowhere (really!), [...]
January 12, 2011 0 Body Man The President of the United States, is, at the end of the day, a person — with everyday things to do, [...]
January 11, 2011 0 Pole Position Magnets and magnetism are, to the unenlightened, akin to magic. Give a pair of magnets to a nursery [...]
January 10, 2011 0 The Scientist Pope The Dark Ages were marked, if anything, by a lack of scientific inquiry and related societal advancement. [...]
January 7, 2011 0 From Abe to Zinc It costs 1.62 cents to mint and distribute penny. Really. And this isn’t anything new. Since 2006, [...]
January 6, 2011 0 Saddam’s Koran Saddam Hussein, by many accounts, was a megalomaniac. As a testament to his own greatness, Hussein erected [...]
January 5, 2011 0 In Utero Fight Club The grey nurse shark, pictured above, survives on a diet of fish, rays, shellfish, and — it’s a [...]
January 4, 2011 0 Turkey’s Prehistoric Temple Stonehenge, famously built roughly 4500 years ago, is perhaps a former temple of Bronze Age inhabitants of [...]
January 3, 2011 0 Kosher Cheeseburgers Jewish dietary law — kashrut, or, keeping kosher — prohibit the mixing of milk and meat. That [...]