June 13, 2012 0 Sandwich Law There are many Mexican restaurant chains in the United States, most notably Chipotle, Qdoba, Taco del Mar, [...]
June 12, 2012 0 Richard Parker Famed writer Edgar Allan Poe wrote 70 poems and 66 short stories during his 40 years on this planet, but [...]
June 11, 2012 0 February 30th Thirty days has September, April, June, and November. That little rhyme is a common way to remember the [...]
June 8, 2012 0 Grass-o-s The smell of a freshly mown lawn is uniquely identifiable and for most, immediately brings with it feelings [...]
June 7, 2012 0 Expletive Deleted Stub a toe? Yell out the F-word. That may be something one does out of habit, reflexively, but don’t be [...]
June 6, 2012 0 The Slave Who Shipped Himself to Freedom In 1848, Henry Brown was a 30-something year old slave. For nearly two decades prior, he worked on a [...]
June 5, 2012 0 Inedible Eggs Hard boil an egg, let it cool, and crack the shell. If you did that about a decade ago, it probably peeled [...]
June 4, 2012 0 Telling Thyme For the fatigued among us, there are few greater simple pleasures in life than waking up momentarily in the [...]
June 1, 2012 0 The Curious History of Graham Crackers and Corn Flakes The graham cracker is a cookie of sorts, common in the United States, which is typically sweetened with [...]
May 31, 2012 0 Lightning Lake The Catatumbo River is about 300 miles long. It begins in Colombia and empties into Lake Maracaibo in the [...]