April 14, 2011 0 Wendy By and large, the etymologies of our names are mere curiosities. “Daniel,” for example, has [...]
April 12, 2011 0 License to Toke Marijuana possession is illegal in the United States, and while there have been some efforts to change that, [...]
April 11, 2011 0 Bowie Bonds In 1969, David Bowie (pictured above) emerged on the rock and roll scene with “Space Oddity.” [...]
April 11, 2011 0 The President’s Pants From 1940 until 1973, the six men who held the office of President of the United States — Franklin [...]
April 8, 2011 0 The High Life Anecdotally, there is plenty of evidence that people prefer things higher up over those things lower down. [...]
April 7, 2011 0 Allergic to Paris Each year, Paris welcomes 45 million visitors to the city. Of those, roughly 1 million come from Japan. [...]
April 6, 2011 0 Grandpa President Two hundred years ago, a young man named John Tyler would get his first taste of politics. In 1811, Tyler [...]
April 5, 2011 0 The Last Jew in Afghanistan There are, world-wide, only about 13 million Jews — a number totaling less than half the population of [...]
April 4, 2011 0 The Earth’s Bulls-Eye The image above, taken from Wikipedia, is a sattelite image. But it is not of the Great Red Spot of [...]
April 1, 2011 0 November Fools Somewhere tonight, a group of teenagers will order pizza. A few pizzas, in fact, probably [...]