August 3, 2010 0 The Strategy Behind Rock Paper Scissors The rules are simple: Rock smashes scissors, scissors cut paper, paper covers rock. Each option perfectly [...]
August 2, 2010 0 Imperialist Monkeys Chimpanzees are regularly referred to as being one of the more human-like members of the animal kingdom. [...]
July 30, 2010 0 Thomas the Tank Engine’s Unlikely Friend There is an episode of Sex and the City in which Carrie, the narrator/protagonist — a sex columnist for a [...]
July 29, 2010 0 A Fly On The Urinal Fly into Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport and, if you do what most people do after a long flight, you are [...]
July 28, 2010 0 Circus Trees The picture, above, isn’t of a tree. It’s of six trees, grafted together to create the weaved [...]
July 27, 2010 0 The Multi-Billion Dollar Angina Pill Angina — severe chest pain due to lack of blood (and therefore oxygen) in the heart muscle — [...]
July 26, 2010 0 Invisible Polar Bears How many polar bears live in the Arctic? It’s a seemingly important question, say wildlife [...]
July 23, 2010 0 The Principality of Sealand During World War II, the English Channel and North Sea were, understandably, thoroughfares of war. These [...]
July 22, 2010 0 Getting High Off Others’ Blood “Flashblood.” The word itself conjures the idea of something not-so-good, and the description [...]
July 21, 2010 0 Arrested, Over 1,000 Times There are only 30 mug shots above, but Henry Earl has logged over 1,000 of them — closer to 1,350, in [...]