August 20, 2021 0 I Actually Like the Internet (and Kickball) Hi! As long-time readers know, on Fridays — like, you know, today — I do a week-in-review type of [...]
August 19, 2021 0 Maybe Adults Shouldn’t Play Kickball Kickball — sometimes called soccer baseball or football rounders — is a game typically played by [...]
August 17, 2021 0 Why Spaceships Need a Foot Bath Pictured above is a photo from April 12, 1981, as the Space Shuttle Columbia made its maiden flight into [...]
August 16, 2021 0 How Horses Created Firehouse Poles In the 1984 film Ghostbusters, Peter, Ray, and Egon are in need of a headquarters for their ghostbusting [...]
August 13, 2021 0 Let’s Help a Child Turn Bad Luck into Hope Hi! As long-time readers know, on Fridays — like, you know, today — I do a week-in-review type of [...]
August 12, 2021 0 Las Vegas’ Real-Life Bat Signal Pictured above is the Luxor Las Vegas casino and hotel. As you can plainly see, it is designed to resemble [...]
August 10, 2021 0 When The Robber Hits the Road The United States has 50 states. In Russia, the equivalent-ish political subdivisions are called [...]
August 9, 2021 0 Where’d the R in Mrs. Come From? The salutation “Mr.” stands for “Mister.” The one for “doctor” is [...]
August 6, 2021 0 How Are Rules Made? Hi! As long-time readers know, on Fridays — like, you know, today — I do a week-in-review type of [...]
August 5, 2021 0 The Village That Went Dark and Was Proud of It Sivaganga is a district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu; it’s the red-shaded region on the map [...]