January 3, 2012 0 Slow and Unsteady Wins the Sprint Webster’s Dictionary defines “sprint” as “to run or go at top speed especially over a [...]
December 30, 2011 0 Making Lazy Circles in the Sky The town of Boise City, Oklahoma has a population of approximately 1,250 people, just a shade lower than the [...]
December 29, 2011 0 The Fourth R Traditionally, early elementary education focused on three academic tentpoles, known (somewhat ironically) as [...]
December 28, 2011 0 Contraband Confection Pictured above is a chocolate novelty called Kinder Surprise or Kinder Joy. It’s a chocolate egg, [...]
December 27, 2011 0 Hitler’s Plan to Invade Switzerland In 1815, Europe’s powers gathered in Vienna, Austria, in an attempt to draw long-standing, mutually [...]
December 23, 2011 0 Fatal Error The image above is a painting made in 1872 by French artist Jean-Leon Gerome titled “Pollice [...]
December 22, 2011 0 He Knows When You Are Sleeping On Christmas Eve, the legend goes, Santa Claus travels the globe leaving presents for good little boys and [...]
December 21, 2011 0 Cola Enforcement Agency In 1886, Atlanta, Georgia passed a short-lived law prohibiting the sale and/or manufacture of alcohol. In [...]
December 20, 2011 0 North Korea’s Mickey Mouse Club Kim Jong-il, the dictator who lead North Korea for nearly two decades, died over the past weekend. Filling [...]
December 19, 2011 0 Bacon of the Sea The Bahamas comprises (not “is comprised of“) roughly 700 islands scattered southeast of Florida [...]